Friday, November 6, 2009

I Really Shouldn't be a 'Cook'

I can now mark-off Wednesday, November 4th, 2009, as the day I officially failed at being a good wife. See, I have been working out-of-town a lot lately...of the past 7 weeks, I have been traveling for 6 of them. Needless to say, when I arrived home there was hardly anything to eat in the whole house except for some very basic items. After driving home from work, throwing in some laundry, watching the news, working out, and folding the laundry, it was already getting late. So with slim-pickins in the pantry and no time to go to the grocery store, I whipped up a delectable arrangement of. . .drumroll please. . .hot dogs (without a bun) & sweet potatoes! :( Isn't that just awful?!?! My poor husband, so deprived. But David still ate it graciously without much complaining. . . followed by some cheese and crackers and a bowl of Cheerios. I felt so bad that I ended up spending the next 2 hours cleaning...err, scrubbing the kitchen from top to bottom, trying to regain my status as a good housekeeper and wife. Let's just say the kitchen is now squeaky clean, and will be filled with plenty of groceries and baked goods come this weekend. However, I don't think that I will ever be able to live this day down...the night of hot dog wieners and sweet potatoes! Ha!

I mean, seriously...look how disgusting that looks on the plate! Gross!

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